Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Dear Noble Neighbors,


CM Cohen has an announcement regarding the status of the Noble EIH site.  You can view it at the following link:  Noble Update    <------ watch the video! from david cohen 


Additionally, the City Manager’s Office informed us this morning that they have made the following update to their website EMERGENCY INTERIM HOUSING - PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT     


“The alternative site list will be posted soon, but not by 8/31/22 due to additional time needed to tabulate the results. Please check back on September 6, 2022. Thank you for your patience.”    

Best Regards,




Stacey Brown

Chief of Staff


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Our initial reaction:

we have read the letter more than once.. read the links, watched the video.   it -sounds- from the video, like noble has been officially, legally removed.   -on the link to EIH info, it still appears as 'proposed'.

curious how much legal, official weight cohens verbal word/video carries.

curious how much the written promise to 'invest in improvements needed' to earn the dedicated charter park status'  -how much legal weight that carries.  

curious to see alternative site lists Sept 6th..   or will it get postponed again,  -and how far away from ANY schools, parks, libraries are the other sites.

but I want to say it looks like we have one vital victory:  Noble found not viable (again) and removed from consideration for the tiny home site! 

that's huge. 

leaving all this for discussion at Tues library meeting: legal team and legal funds can be directed toward earning that dedicated charter park status, which equals permanent protection.  At the meeting we will have a mini celebration, and discuss our future strategies for securing charter park status.  

cheers and amen!  xoxo Robert & Sandra 


Green Foothills wants parks, open space and natural resources (such as creeks) protected. We are hopeful that one or more alternative D4 sites will surface that are much more suitable and not environmentally destructive. 

Omar Passons responded today to note that the alternative D4 site list will be posted later in the week or early next week. I was also told by the D4 office last week that the city's determination, regarding whether the Noble Ave park is a park according to the City Charter, is still not complete. Green Foothills is awaiting the alternative D4 site list and the aforementioned determination to identify our next steps.

Also, it is my understanding that the San Jose All District Leadership Group (SJADLG) will be submitting a letter to the council regarding this matter. SJADLG is a consortium of leadership of the nine active San Jose leadership groups. My understanding is that the letter will note that it is not appropriate to take city park land for non-park purposes and to reject plans for Quick Build Emergency Interim Housing at the Noble Ave site or any park site

Juan Estrada
Advocacy Associate and Organizer
Protecting local nature since 1962.
Get tickets for our Nature's Inspiration celebration on September 25th!
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