Monday, August 15, 2022


WE LOVE THIS LETTER. We have seen, read and felt, from the onset how city council tries to pit us against the homeless, and pit districts against each other.  

 against having 
tiny home developments
(densely populated caged tiny home sites)
on parks, near schools, libraries, or nature reserves.

We are aware -the evidence is already in:

tiny homes cause way more problems than they solve.

The high stakes and complex nature of our current homelessness crisis demands
 that a new problem solving panel, a larger panel, with voices, experience, knowledge, from 
a wider range of disciplines, be created.

The current trajectory by city council utterly destroys neighborhoods, 
parks, open space, puts the safety of our children at dangerous risk 
costs unjustifiable amounts of millions of dollars to create and 
unjustifiable amounts to maintain.

all this destruction, risk and cost, so a small number of people can 
be transitioned into subsidized housing.   that is not a success.  that is a preventable disaster.

if anything should be fast-tracked, it should be the people who are currently on the street for exclusively financial reasons  -fast track them into the subsidized housing you are ultimately providing.  or address this from a rent control perspective, if a 5 % increase pushes up to 2000 people on the street.  or subsidize their rent..   certainly if you can spend 15million+ per proposed caged tiny home site.. 
we can use this money to prevent extra unnecessary homelessness to begin with 

and all this destruction, risk, and cost to build these densely populated caged tiny home sites, 
still does absolutely nothing to address:

the drug addicted, mentally ill and/or homeless encampments
that currently plague our city, negatively impact otherwise successful small, family owned businesses, franchises, and exponentially creates toxic levels of trash, litter, debris.
so, worth repeating: 

The high stakes and complex nature of our current homelessness crisis demands
 that a new problem solving panel, a larger panel, with voices, experience, knowledge, from 
a wider range of disciplines, be created.

and "Thank You!" D6NL   This letter speaks so 
articulately, elegantly and intelligently for all of us!


/tech issue, that i cannot upload pdf files
 on blogger with the ease i can upload images.
  -but notice, i still did find a way...

Districts Uniting: 

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