Wednesday, September 28, 2022

BEWARE: Your School and Park Could Be Next!

Relevant to anyone and everyone who calls San Jose home:

protest summary & update link

... we vehemently oppose tiny homes being built near any school; library; daycare; 
nature reserves
and vehemently oppose tiny home sites being built on our parks!

so, guess what citizens of san jose, 

now city council isn't quite sure which of our parks are charter -parks. 

very important to consider why san jose city council hesitates at all;
why san jose city council would even have to debate or review which parks are parks
unless they do plan to use park land to push their failing tiny home agenda

what other reason could there possibly be?

save your schools!  save your libraries! save your parks! save your daycares! save your nature reserves!



... the city was wrong in designating a park for EIH causing much undue anxiety in our community...

... we are unwilling to wait for any drawn out processes. NOT on NOBLE is seeking swift protection of our park. We are asking for immediate and forever protection of Reach 2...


... I'm here today to also request that council finds a way to permanently take that site [Noble Ave] off future list so we don't go through this again in three, five, seven years,  -whatever the case may be...

PROTESTOR (name spell to verify)

... i want to emphasize NOBLE PARK IS A PARK  -no doubt of that, right.  everybody agrees.....

...  the more tiny homes you build..  the more homeless will come.   -from San Francisco, from Sacramento, even from New York City, Texas..    think about that. 


... we have a crisis of untrustworthy government officials...


... we have seen our city play games with us   -making it hard to say this [Penitencia Creek, Reach 2] is a park.   I think this is the most hilarious debate I have heard this year!....


... if you guys make a nightmare for us   -it will be a nightmare for you guys for the next election...


... giving Penitencia Creek, Reach 2, charter park status IT IS SO EASY! Do that first and then go tackle the harder problems...

*******************    GO FUND ME LINK   **********************


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO OUR Not On Noble GROUP EMAIL list for news and information, please email, type ADD ME in the subject line and provide your first and last name.  New neighbor emails are added at the end of each week. 

 "Thank You!"    WE WILL WIN THIS!  








Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Mercury News: Do tiny homes really work as a solution? (marisa kendall!)

 WHAT THE DATA SHOWS  publish updated 9/25/22

Joining the conversation:  (where did our comments go?) Robert & Sandra

Appreciate the work and research that went into this article.  Big thing is missing though: Interviewing the people [tax paying, law abiding, hard working] people; individuals, couples, families who live NEAR where these tiny home communities have been built.  My husband and I have done some of that research, and as a result are adamant that tiny home sites are not built near schools, libraries, daycares, parks or nature reserves.  The more research I have done, the more I am opposed to tiny homes as a solution at all. I keep praying for and asking for a larger panel of problem solvers, with more voices representing more disciplines to sit back down and solve in a very public and more comprehensive way.  We strongly encourage everyone who calls San Jose home to join our protest.  STOP the encroachment of tiny home sites or we will see the disappearance of our neighborhood parks, and load parents/teachers down with chronic worry of the risks involved in placing these near schools.  Based on our interviews, we know a percentage of people that live in tiny homes WILL WANDER ONTO SCHOOL CAMPUSES for food or money; wander into the cafeterias, into the restrooms.. TINY HOMES ARE NOT THE PATH WE SHOULD CONTINUE ON.  I ache with the knowledge San Jose is in a rare, highly time sensitive and finite window;  -we know what happens if we just keep building these; so easy to look and see and know it only leads to disaster.  BUT IF WE STOP; CUT OUR LOSSES, SIT BACK DOWN AT THE TABLE with intelligent problem solvers from diverse disciplines.  We hold the potential to not only restore San Jose to its former glory, but LEAD! other cities, states toward a more comprehensive solution.  LEAD SAN JOSE!  do not follow a failing trend.  Sandra & Robert 


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO OUR Not On Noble GROUP EMAIL list for news and information, please email, type ADD ME in the subject line and provide your first and last name.  New neighbor emails are added at the end of each week. 

 "Thank You!"    WE WILL WIN THIS! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022





WE continue to actively seek Legal Dedicated Charter Park Status for Penitencia Creek Reach 2 Park on Noble.    

We continue to let everyone who calls San Jose home know:   -what is happening in our district and neighborhood can easily happen in yours.  

Mercury News Article        per article, "That doesn't mean the project is officially dead."



consensus is MATT MAHAN for MAYOR.  He supports NOTonNOBLE protestors.

cindy chavez has a track record which indicates she will fast track tiny home agenda. 


    Oct 25th: Mayor Sam Liccardo twice mentioned tiny homes/Noble would be on agenda; unconfirmed

    Nov 8th:  Elections

    Nov 29th:  'recommendations' regarding Noble site will be discussed on or before Nov 29.

                        (notice recommendations  -after elections.) 

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO OUR Not On Noble GROUP EMAIL list for news and information, please email, type ADD ME in the subject line and provide your first and last name.  New neighbor emails are added at the end of each week. 

 "Thank You!"    WE WILL WIN THIS! 


inspired to place links here to articles regarding ending the homeless crisis

-start with these two, but will be adding as time allows

MATT MAHAN's 2021 idea/proposal:  5000 prefab tiny homes to help end homeless crisis

CHAVEZ:  2016 Measure A, $950 million; 2020 Measure E 

from 2016 to present, homelessness has only and significantly increased.

do you have a link to a san jose newspaper article relevant to this issue.  email 


Running for San Jose City Council, District 3


Hi Sandra and Robert,

Thank you for reaching out! Matt recently voted against a tiny home site in North San Jose because it was ​across the street from an elementary school, city park and library, next to popular recreational trails, and one block away from a middle school. He believes we should ensure that there are no elementary schools, parks, etc. within a 2 mile radius of these sites.

Similarly, during the 2021 Priority Setting process, Matt proposed a new approach to encampment management called setbacks and services. Essentially, the City would establish clear no-camping zones near schools, parks, and other sensitive public spaces, and then provide expanded trash pick-up and sanitary services to existing large encampments. Matt’s proposal was voted by the City Council to be the #1 new priority for the upcoming fiscal year and is currently in the implementation/pilot program process.

Hope that answers your questions!

Team Mahan


NO! Schools, places meant for children, and parkland must be protected and are not suitable for tiny homes.
Bien Đoàn for D7


Thank you,
Bien Doan
Candidate for San Jose City Council D7 2022
(669) 261 - 9001

Paid for by Bien Doan for San Jose City Council D7 2022 FPPC#1441081


Monday, September 19, 2022


 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO OUR Not On Noble GROUP EMAIL list for news and information, please email, type ADD ME in the subject line and provide your first and last name.  New neighbor emails are added at the end of each week. 

 "Thank You!"    WE WILL WIN THIS! 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

SAN JOSE SPOTLIGHT HEADLINE: San Jose drops controversial tiny homes plan, by Jana Kadah


by Jana Kadah

link to article:

San Jose drops

controversial tiny homes plan

... but residents are still skeptical

photo by Jana Kadah

it is both a frustration and curiosity:  
how for the longest time, on the city's EIH website, 
Noble was listed as 'proposed.'

when they most recently updated it (9/14/22)
they changed it from 'proposed'  to  'recommended removal.'

why wasn't it updated to 'not viable.'   ? 

-which would match cohen's video, and the 9/9/22 memorandum. (below)




Wednesday, September 14, 2022


Dear Awesome Not on Noble Neighbors, 

Follow our lead:   Let the San Jose City Council Members know what they WOULD HAVE HEARD YOU SAY had there been the open forum on 9/13/22 we all prepared for.  Email your 1 or 2 minute speech to every council member, to media, to social media..  and cc, us.

i.e,   this was emailed this morning from Sandra:

A disappointment to show up at the City Council Chambers last night, and find the doors locked; the place empty.  Sharing here, what City Council Members would have heard me say, had there been the open forum we prepared for:

"There are 2 things you can do

2 things you can do THIS WEEK

that will remove enormous amounts of stress, fear and chronic worry from the hearts and minds of thousands of parents, children, teachers and individuals 

1. On your city's EIH website listing, Noble still reads as 'proposed.'  The first thing you can do is UPDATE Noble Status to Not Viable on that EIH website list.   -this would then match with the Sept 9, 2022, Memorandum From Omar Passons to the Mayor and City Council.

2.  Second thing you can do THIS WEEK is give Penitencia Creek Trail, Reach 2,  Dedicated Charter Park Status. There is no reason our beloved perc ponds park should have to wait for all other parks in the entire 10th largest city to be evaluated first before this can be accomplished.

Currently you have 1000's of people enormously stressed, betrayed, untrusting and uncertain

YOU CAN FIX THAT THIS WEEK.   You can remedy that THIS WEEK.

Update Noble on the EIH website to Not Viable.  Give Reach 2, Dedicated Charter Park Status.

In Jesus Name, I pray, you do not prolong this preventable stress, worry, concern into 2023.   Amen"    
Sandra Harrison Kay


i.e,   this was emailed this morning from Robert:

This is what you would have heard me say, had there been the open forum 9/13/22 which I prepared for:

"The stress the City Council has put on us is overwhelming.  Five years ago the city came after our park.  This year the city came after our park again.  We can't stop fighting for our park.  We can't go on living, day after day, year after year, stressing on when the city council will try and take our park again.  We need city council to approve, verify, sanctify, certify, document our Reach 2 Park as a Dedicated Charter Park.  I'm asking all of you to restore faith in government. We have lost trust in the federal government.  We have lost trust in the state government.  We have lost trust in the county government. What we have left is Our Local City Government.  Give us someone we can trust.  Restore trust in government officials.  We need integrity, honesty and faith in you.  Do the right thing and grant our park Charter Status."

 Robert Mickanen 

*********************  **************************** **************

censorship has been experienced by our NOTonNOBLE community in a variety of ways:

  -restricting open forum speech from 2 to 1 minute

 - eliminating open forum opportunities completely  (night of non-citizen voting agenda)

 - changing open forum availability from 2nd/4th tuesdays to..    -still not sure..   sudden cancelations

- restricting use of signs (even though sign criteria was met and honored by all of us)

- restricting applause (for our group, but not at all for other guests regarding other issues)

- changing camera angles for our group, [but not for other guests/groups] during city council chamber meetings so that the large and growing NOTonNOBLE community with our signs and t-shirts are not seen by tv viewing audience. 

- showing up on time at 6pm, and ordered to leave until 6:30; creating an extra deterrent, and causing everyone to go through security checks a second time   -evening meetings lasting hours and hours before opportunity is given for public to speak.   -this leaves parents who have left work early and skipped dinner and hired child care without any time frame for how long they'll be gone and able to return. 

OPEN FORUM should have a consistently set date and time everyone can see and plan on. 

Not knowing whether there will be an open forum; not knowing when and if you'll have the opportunity to speak 2 or 1 minutes, or 30 seconds..   whether or not you'll have to wait 1 or 2 or 3 hours to even be heard for such a brief time..   all of this is a deterrent and form of censorship.        -THIS HAS AN EASY FIX:   A consistent date and time for open forums for the public which is predictable and can be relied on. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


What is happening here in District 4, is relevant to everyone who calls San Jose home.


REVIEW:  in 2017 the people of District 4 in San Jose rose up, fought, and won.  The Noble location was found not viable for a homeless site.  2022, behind the communities back, with zero outreach to the people, children, families, schools, library, daycares, neighborhood associations that would be directly impacted, San Jose City Council put that same location on the table for consideration AGAIN and voted underhandly, 8-2 in June to build a 100 bed tiny home homeless camp on Noble.  Due to this betrayal, we are not moved by any words or promises; and push forward toward achieving Legal, Written, Signed Documentation that Noble Ave Perc Ponds are permanently removed as a potential site to build on AND Legal, Written, Signed Documentation that shows The Penitencia Creek Perc Ponds, Reach 2, have Dedicated Charter Park Status.  We do not want to fight this AGAIN in one or more years.  Our battle continues awesome neighbors, and our physical presence at the San Jose City Council Chambers, and our voices during open forum will be what earn us the victory.   See you on the 13th! 

P.S.   As of today, Sept Aug 7th, 2022, Noble still shows as 'Proposed' on the City Council website, and as of today, Sept Aug 7th, 2022, after two promises and two postponements, there is STILL NOT AN ALTERNATIVE SITE LIST available to the public. 


Moving Strong and Steadfast toward two crucial goals:

 1.  Get 100 bed tiny home site RELOCATED away from Noble Elementary,
 away from library, daycare; off our wildlife park and water supply facility;
 and at least a mile away from ANY schools, parks, daycares, libraries, nature reserves

2. Receive Legal Dedicated Charter Park Status for  
Penitencia Creek Reach 2,  AKA: our beloved perc ponds
for this neighborhood treasure:



"It is not appropriate to take city park land for non-park purposes."

to date:  San Jose City Council has received 
formal letters of opposition to the Noble Ave site from:














Green Foothills wants parks, open space and natural resources (such as creeks) protected. We are hopeful that one or more alternative D4 sites will surface that are much more suitable and not environmentally destructive. 

Omar Passons responded today to note that the alternative D4 site list will be posted later in the week or early next week. I was also told by the D4 office last week that the city's determination, regarding whether the Noble Ave park is a park according to the City Charter, is still not complete. Green Foothills is awaiting the alternative D4 site list and the aforementioned determination to identify our next steps.

Also, it is my understanding that the San Jose All District Leadership Group (SJADLG) will be submitting a letter to the council regarding this matter. SJADLG is a consortium of leadership of the nine active San Jose leadership groups. My understanding is that the letter will note that it is not appropriate to take city park land for non-park purposes and to reject plans for Quick Build Emergency Interim Housing at the Noble Ave site or any park site. 

Juan Estrada
Advocacy Associate and Organizer
Protecting local nature since 1962.
Get tickets for our Nature's Inspiration celebration on September 25th!
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*******************************************************************************     Letters to the editor

June 30, 2022  7 strikes against S.J. City Council

July 19, 2022    San Jose's pick for tiny homes is all wrong.

*************************************************************     june 26, 2022

Tiny homes are coming, whether San Jose lawmakers like it or not.


links to media,  news coverage events

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO OUR Not On Noble GROUP EMAIL list for news and information, please email, type ADD ME in the subject line and provide your first and last name.  New neighbor emails are added at the end of each week. 

 "Thank You!"    WE WILL WIN THIS! 



No more WAITING 4 OR MORE HOURS to speak for 60 seconds AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS

 "Thank You Natalie!"   link:   sign this petition .    Not knowing when, or whether, or how long the wait will be to speak during...